Support Classic Lyric Arts 2022
We are incredibly grateful to everyone that supports our work to develop the talent of young and inspiring artists. Thanks to our supporters, we are excited to be able to offer three programs for the first time in 2022. CLA France and CLA Italy will be joined by CLA Berkshires, and we’re thrilled to invite our friends and donors to experience Classic Lyric Arts closer to home. We invite you to support our participants directly by sponsoring a student through the Named Program Grant initiative, by underwriting a faculty position, or by contributing at any level to our general fund.
Read more about your options for general donations.
Sponsor a participant to attend CLA, and take advantage of an opportunity to foster relationships with our artists.
Sponsor one of our European faculty members to come to the United States for CLA Berkshires.
How to make a donation:
Click the button below to donate in any amount:
Send by mail to:
Classic Lyric Arts
c/o Glenn Morton
820 West End Ave. Apt. 9B
New York, NY 10025
Kindly make checks payable to Classic Lyric Arts with the notation "gift."
Thank you for supporting our young artists!