CLA Italy 2019: Observations — Classic Lyric Arts, Inc.

CLA Italy 2019: Observations

CLA Italy 2019: Observations

I like the purple flowers that bloom right outside our apartment. There weren’t so many when we first came here. The fact that one white flower bush exists in that row of purple intrigues me.

I like saying “Ciao” every time I see someone. It’s a habit I never thought I’d pick up so unconsciously.

I like seeing Ambra every morning as I leave for classes, coachings, or staging rehearsals. She sits outside our neighbor’s house and watches us calmly. A beautiful, big dog with an amber speckled coat to match her name. She never responds when we call out to her…

I love the sound of the river at night. Going to the bridge and listening, watching as time passes slowly.

I love the stars. I’ve seen at least 4 shooting stars.

I like watching the garden by our apartment grow each day. The tomatoes going from green to red. Eggplants getting bigger. Grapes browning and shriveling as no one comes to harvest them.

The little, white wild flowers on the side of the road give me joy.

The cobbled streets make me trip more than usual. I’ve began wearing more sensible shoes.

The market on Mondays is incredibly lively (and cheap).

We have long, fulfilling days.

I love when things suddenly click in lessons/coachings; when things align perfectly. I adore learning new concepts, hearing metaphors, and learning to appreciate the art form which we study.

I love hearing about other people’s backgrounds and opinions. Getting to know people. Humans are social creatures, but often are too lazy to really take the time to get to know someone. I like that there are people here who take that time.

I love learning. I love that everyone at CLA loves learning.

I adore our instructors. They put up with us every day with only our best interests at heart. They strive to help us and for that, thank you.

I like that people share their ideas. I like sitting listening to the opinions of Maestro Paolo after a concert about his opinions and ideas on the actor-singer.

I like staring out the window at the mountains on long bus rides as we travel from venue to venue.

The drawl of Illaria’s “Allora” in Italian class early in the morning gives me happiness.

I love the Teatro. It has incredibly acoustics and now, so many precious memories.

I hate that my time at CLA Italy is coming to a close.

Written by Arthi Nandakumar