CLA Italy 2024 Perspectives: Sofia Durante

CLA made me feel like I truly belonged somewhere, and for the first time, I felt I could sing without fear.

Waking up to the beautiful Italian sunrise, singing the music that I love most, and seeing my favorite people in the whole world every day -I was home.

This year was my third summer at a CLA program, and I couldn’t have been more thrilled to join CLA Italy for the second year in a row. You could go back to CLA every year for the rest of your life and learn something new, and getting to learn the art of bel canto in the country where it was created was the icing on the cake. 

The town we were hosted in, Novefeltria, is truly one of my favorite places in the world. It is a tiny gem of a town that is filled with the kindest people and the most delicious food you could imagine. My day would always start bright and early with an iced coffee and a chocolate cornetto at the local cafe, Latte e Vino. By the end of the first few days they knew my order by heart! I would then head to morning chant with Glenn Morton, John Viscardi, and the other artists, where we would practice Tibetan chanting and deep breathing to warm up our bodies and voices for the day. Resonating on a low Ab at 8am was like a warm hug to start the day.

After chanting we would have a group rehearsal for our upcoming performance of La contesa canora, a choral piece written by composer and CLA Faculty Member, Raphael Fusco. It was such a joy to perform an amazing piece in Italian by a living composer. Especially when the music was SO BEAUTIFUL!

Next in the day were individual and ensemble coaching sessions, which is where I made some of my favorite memories this summer. Having coachings with Ubaldo Fabbri in Italian was not only a chance to learn bel canto from a master, but also a chance to practice speaking Italian with a native who spoke so eloquently about the music we were working on. 

I switched fachs from soprano to mezzo-soprano earlier this year, and I was so nervous to sing this new repertoire in front of people. However, the faculty not only supported me wholeheartedly in this change, but also helped me embrace my true voice so I could feel confident when performing.

Forming lifelong friendships with artists over a delicious meal at the end of a long rehearsal day felt like a reward for all we had accomplished that day (the truffle pasta at the restaurant Madama do’re was exceptionally delicious). Meeting people from around the world with different musical backgrounds is something not everyone gets to experience. Seeing the world through someone else’s eyes is a gift, not just in this profession, but in life. The faculty understood that too and translated it into our coachings. CLA’s motto is, “We meet you where you are,” and I think that is the most beautiful sentiment. No matter where you are or have been in your musical journey, the coaches work with you where you are now and help you improve from there, without expecting perfection right out of the gate. The freedom to sing without fear, to try new things, and to make mistakes is something that not all Emerging Artist programs can offer. And I believe this nurturing and culturally rich environment is essential for a singer’s development.

There’s a quote that says, “There’s not a word yet for old friends who’ve just met. Part heaven, part space, or have I found my place? You can’t just visit, but I plan to stay. I’m going to go back there someday.” This is how I feel about Classic Lyric Arts. I’ve only known this larger CLA family for two or three years, but I feel like we have known each other forever. CLA made me feel like I truly belonged somewhere, and for the first time, I felt I could sing without fear. Coraggio (courage) is something that Glenn Morton always says, and I carry that with me everywhere I go. 

I am grateful for all the gifts CLA has given me over the past three years. I met my best friend through CLA, I became the Programs and Marketing Assistant for the company, and through Glenn’s guidance and teaching, I found my voice. No matter where I go or where I end up in my life, I know I will always have a home, not just in Novafeltria, but with CLA. And for that, I am eternally grateful.